Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jennykins Comes to Town

First things first:  thank you all for the love and support and kindness you've shown with my last post's news.  I had no idea people would be so positive!  It really makes a huge difference to me to know that my loved ones like what I'm doing.  I just really appreciate it.  So thanks.  :)

Speaking of loved ones, my sister Jenny came to visit!  She was here just for a quick six days, and we took advantage of the opportunity to show her the beach!  Myrtle Beach, that is.  My favorite thing we did was visiting Huntington Beach State Park, where I got to face my longstanding fear of alligators.  ALLIGATORS.  They are monsters.  I actually did really surprisingly well in their presence.  Let me reiterate: these are actual wild vicious alligators in their natural habitat, swimming frighteningly and sneakily through a lake just a few feet away from innocent humans.  I did not panic or scream or run away.  But I did have nightmares that night, so I guess I can't claim to have conquered my fear.  Anyway, here are the demons themselves:


Moving on, here are some photos of us all frolicking on and around the beach.  We are SO much easier on the eyes than nasty alligators.



 And a new favorite family photo, taken by Jenny:

 And a few more photos.  Jude, Atalaya, Sudden Belly.

1 comment:

the sleepy time gal said...

i LOVE the family photo, too! I REALLY hope to see the fam in person on the 4th.... yes????