Friday, December 2, 2011

School Portraits

Those are my children! MY children! I almost didn't bother having them take school portraits this year because the prints are so ridiculously expensive and I feel like I can generally get better photos myself. But there's something special about that cheesy blue background, maybe because I remember having similar pictures of myself taken every year.
And I have to admit that I'm happy with these pictures. Doesn't Isobel look so grown up? I feel like that chapped lip is the only thing in the photo that makes her look four instead of fourteen. Jude looks so handsome with his rockstar hair. I'm so proud of these babies!


Megan said...

Those are so great! Beautiful kids.

ckm said...

They are so adorable! I agree - the school pictures are so expensive, so I just get the cheapest package of 3x5's. There is something about the cheesy blue (or gray) background. What is frustrating where we are is that there are different school portrait companies. My elementary school, middle and high school kids all have different background textures, shades, etc.

the sleepy time gal said...

judes's posture and look seems totally like he's a teenager! I can't stop looking at them!

MomShiff said...

Those little honeys! Such poise in front of the intimidating photographer.
Can't wait for Christmas---