Sunday, January 2, 2011

С Новым Годом!

Our camera was among the approximately 1,000 important things I failed to pack for our trip to Colorado. So these babies were taken with my mom's little coolpix, which is kind of a fun little camera even if the quality isn't quite what I'm used to. Oh well, any photographic evidence is better than none? Here is Isobel enjoying sledding for the very first time!

And here are the chil'ren in all their Christmas Eve finery!

And here's my adorablest, newest little niece, Amélie!

Other highlights included me running a 5K in single-digit weather on New Year's Day, and Brooke and Spencer rocking out.

And lastly, never fear! I bring good tidings of Jude being cute and angry!


the sleepy time gal said...

Oh, I loved everything about this post!!! Glimpses of your Christmas, cutie Jude, ANOTHER 5K (you rock!), and brooke in the piano... We missed being with you guys.

By the way, I have some dates for January!

Megan said...

That video of Jude really made my day! I just love the way he shakes his head, just dancing around and then is about to cry the next funny!