In other news, Brooke's looking for work within a couple of hours of either of our families. So we'll probably be either in the Denver area or the mid-Atlantic region. We'll be in Carlisle starting December 19.
Yes, we Van Shifflerens are still alive! Now that Isobel is one month old (gasp!) it's time for her to make her official blog debut. So, here she is:
If anyone still reads this pitifully neglected blog, it's probably somebody who already knows the details. But just in case: Isobel Emeline Shiffler was born Oct 12 at 11:19pm here in Colorado Springs where she and I (Christina) are staying with Nana and Grandad. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 6.5 oz., and was 18.5 inches long. As my aunt Sarah once commented, isn't it funny how we're always declaring newborns' sizes? It's sort-of like the catch of the day or something. And that was much funnier when she said it. Here's Isobel with her pacifier, which she seems to love more than life itself:
And here are a few more pictures, since we know that's what you really want:
If that doesn't satisfy your insatiable need for cuteness, you can check out "Stina's flickr" (see link to the right) for more, so much more. And for those of you who are worried that this is going to become one of those baby blogs, we have a little game. Of the following two pictures, one was taken in Kazakhstan and one was taken in the American West. Can you guess which is which?
In a related story, we have decided to move back to the U.S. That means we'll need to change the title of this here blog, and we're hoping to get some ideas from YOU. Yes, you.